Peter Blackstock, Founder and Publisher of
No Depression Magazine writes of the pending
Reivers reunion show in Austin:
[I]t looks like February 9 is the date for another big-time reunion, at least from my own personal perspective -- that's the tentative date for the first show by Austin band Zeitgeist (later known as the Reivers) since October 1991. Most folks for whom music is a central focus probably have a band that, at some point or another, changed their life; Zeitgeist was that band for me. Suffice to say that if you're in Austin for the show next month, I'll see you there.
Count me among those for whom Zeitgeist changed their lives. After my first band love, The Commandos, the
Reivers gave me a reason to come home to Austin from college every chance I got.
I discovered
Zeitgeist when my friends Jeff Kuhn and
Josh Ellinger came to the
U of C to see me my first Thanksgiving away. Jeff brought
Translate Slowly, which we played over and over on the record player.
I remember my first show. It must have been as soon after that Thanksgiving groove as I could make it home. It was at The Beach, now the
Crown and Anchor. The stage was about 6 inches tall. All the boys, smitten with
Kim Longacre, smashed in front of her, singing her soaring melodies right back in her face. We thought we were hilarious, she may have felt otherwise.
I must have seen them fifty more times.
Reivers shows became the organizing principle of my life. Many many times, Mr.
Blackstock was there, too. So,
anyhoo, I'll see you there, Peter.